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A phantasmal snake” Notice: If you do not like snakes, you had better not to see this.

They say, "It is lucky to see the snake.", " It is highly ranked as a longing snake among snake lovers." The name of the snake is Dinodon orientale (Oriental odd-tooth snake) rarely to be seen and it is an endemic one in Japan.


Luckily enough, I happened to find it under the flower pot in the morning on May 4th, 2014.


It was the first time to see this snake in my 67 year long life and at first I mistook it for another species of the Japanese four-lined ratsnake.


Then I hastened to make a contact with a snake expert(*), sending some pictures of the snake for confirmation.  He soon kindly gave me the return e-mail, saying that the snake is Dinodon orientale (Oriental odd-tooth snake) rarely to be seen and that I had found a good snake.



When I found it, it did not move maybe because it was a little too cold (13 degrees centigrade) ant it is nocturnally active. It is said to be non-venomous, but to be offensive and good at pretending to be dead.


I have not been good with snakes, but investing the related information on the internet made me to be interested in it and to decide to video-record it. On the following day, I found it had already escaped at night, not making video-recording it. It must be the shy snake.


The snake got its freedom again and it was good. I am happy with the rich nature where this kind of rare creature can live in near our living surroundings. 

2013春到来 in 尾道 Spring has come in Onomichi in 2013
2013春到来 in 尾道 Spring has come in Onomichi in 2013
ツツジの季節、我家のキリシマツツジ Season of azalea, Kirishima azalea in our garden  2013/04/22
ツツジの季節、我家のキリシマツツジ Season of azalea, Kirishima azalea in our garden 2013/04/22

2013年5月、国立公園・鳴滝山散策    Stroll in Mt. Narutaki, a national park in May, 2013 

庭に飛来したアゲハチョウ  2015年4月27日、NHK広島で紹介されました。

A big butterfly in the garden  This picture was introduced on April 27th by NHK Hiroshima. 


The picture I took on April 16th was televised on NHK Hiroshima. The picture title I named is “a baby grasshopper in a small dandelion flower (2cm diameter)” 

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