For inquiries or information

TEL: +81-80-1928-8778


Sales pitches and/or use without reply information strictly prohibited.)

Business hours

9:00 ~ 17:00 (Monday ~ Friday)

Examples of Translation and Interpretation Work

Most of the translation and interpretation work are confidential.

The following examples of our translation and interpretation are some that do not cause any troubles even if the company names, individual names and the work descriptions are opened.

  • Recording sleep in the electroencephalogram by Dr. Y. Kodama ( Japanese into English )
  • Research on recording methods of electroencephalogram of children in natural sleep by Dr. Y. Kodama ( Japanese into English )
  • Doctor thesis on Koto (Japanese harp)  by Dr. Hirata ( Japanese into English )
  • Testing machine of evaluating wear by paper by D.D.Roshon ( English intoJapanese )
  • A review of two-body abrasive wear by M. A. Moore ( English into Japanese)5. Growing techniques of Carnations and lilies ( English into Japanese )
  • Growing guidance book of carnations and lilies  growing ( Japanese into English and vice versa )
  • Mono crystal silicon growing ( Japanese into English and vice versa )
  • Catalogues of painting and drying machines ( English intoJapanese )
  • Company profiles, articles of incorporations, homepages  ( Japanese into English and vice versa)
  • Electric Meter, American Domestic Standard ( English into Japanese )
  • Reference literature in biology, chemistry, machinery and ekectrinics and the operation manuals  ( Japanese into English and vice versa )
  • Business negotiation documents  ( Japanese into English and vice versa )
  • Many others


  • Technical conference of Greman made wood vacuum coating machines for a Japanese company. 
  • Newspaper coverage of Hiroshima by Chicago Tribune
  • Technical conference of engine heat treating for an American company
  • Company formation, factory buiding and production in the Philippines for  a Japanese wood company
  • Inspective business tour to the Philppines by JETRO
  • Business guide for foreign companies to the local campanies in Hiroshima prefecture (JETRO program)
  • Tecnnology guide for Afrcan ambassadors to the local companies in Chugoku area.
  • Inspection tour to African countries (program by Foreign Ministry and METI)
  • Many others



Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Toyobo Co., Ltd. Hitachi Zosen Corporation, Mazda Motor Corporation, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Marine Accident Inquiry Agency, Hanamoto Co., Ltd., Seiran Co., Ltd., Kui-Shinkaen, Takaya Co., Ltd., Ishi Hyoki Co., Ltd. Hiroshima Eastan Industrial Technology Center, Mukaishima zoki Co., Ltd., Chicago Tribune、 Schiele、 Japan Pacific Publications、International Effectiveness Centers, Yorder Brothers Inc.,West Stek B.V., M.Lek Zonen B.V.,Van Staaveren B.V.,and others



About 100 personal customers 

(Insurance billing, medical billing, succession of property, international marrige, and so on)

                  The companies KTK Office has made translation for  (excluding individuals).
The companies KTK Office has made translation for (excluding individuals).

Please send your inquiries or requests if any by the following e-mail form.

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