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SOD technology now has been upgraded to IoT tech..  

Development table over time is here.

Technology development; SOD (Switch On Demand) for electricity saving and SHES for solar power generation

SOD Development story at STORYS or note site

In Japanese   In English      Both in English and Japanese

Thanks and Notice
*Sales of Setsuden-mushi, energy-saving device, have been completed.
*Purchase for testing and technical study is available only for stock.

  Please contact us using the e-mail form below.
  We will reply with the number of stock and payment method (credit card, bank transfer,

*We look forward to continuing to serve you with our core technology of remote power

  controller (switch, SOD) technology.
*We will continue to post information and news about power-saving technology 

  on the following Facebook page.  
*Click here to see 10 TV and radio introductions.

Global warming caused by standby power consumption of line phones

Electronics related SOD、 Technology and Products

                                      Fax SOD

Energy Conservation Grand Prize awarded in 1997

All the power drain of all electirc appliances can be made ZERO by SOD technology. Only the SOD products in stock are available at the web shop.


SOD technology now has been upgraded to Internet SOD as IoT technolgy. 

Fax SOD connected to your facsimile machine can switch on the other party's facsimile whereve and whenever it maybe and you can send your fax message accordingly. (Looked at from another perspective, SOD technology makes it possible for you to switch on and off the other party's electric appliances wherever they may be over the world even in the space.


And Telephone SOD can also automatically save the wasted electricity while it is not in use.


Fax SOD and Telephone SOD are never a high-tech, but it can save the huge aomount of electricity wasted as power drain by tens of millions of the fax machines and telephones all over the world. Furthermore SOD technology can prevent the electricity leakage that may cause fires.


SOD technplogy is available to anyone all over the world and you could collaborate your technologies with SOD technplogy. The SOD technplogy can be transfered to any mutually trusted group, company and person according to the mutual agreement. 


On receiving SOD products after you buy them at the web shop, you can save electricity effectively. (Only the SOD products in stock are available.)


We will have a online shop for your possible purchase in the near future. If your are in a hurry, please make a contact with us using the below e-mailing form.


SOD product models




















Rear, left:Internet SOD for switching on & off the electric appliances through Internet.

                This is so-called IoT technology.)

                JETRO site:

Rear, right:Smart SOD for switching on & off the electric appliances with automatic


                JETRO site:

Front, left:Super SOD for switching on & off the electric appliances with manual adjustment

                JETRO site:

Front, middle:Fax SOD SKM-G3S for combines machine produced by NTT-AT

Front, right:Fax SOD KS-96A for combines machine produced by KEC

                :Telephone SOD KS-96A for combines machine produced by KEC     

                 JETRO site

Power saving by automatically turning off power outlets of air conditioners, etc.

  Appliances that consume standby power include air conditioners, televisions, and lighting fixtures and so on, and it is important to ensure that the outlet power is turned off after each use.
  In the case of the outlet switch for air conditioners sold by Panasonic (photo, below), both on and off must be manually operated by the user.  It is possible to forget to turn off the switch.
  In the case of Setsuden-mushi, a standby power saving device for communication equipment, both on and off are automatic.
  In the case of general-purpose Setsuden-mushi, such as those for air conditioners, the on operation is manual, but the off operation is automatic.
  If the off operation is automated like Setsuden-Mushi, it will surely cut standby power and save electricity.

Internet SOD

This is one of Iot (Internet of things) technologies.Introductory video at the exhibition

This product enables us to remote-control the power on / off of the electric appliances wherever and whenever we may be.

This product also contributes to save electricity at the same time.The prototype and its size are showed in the picture.

The connection is simple in line as follows.
Internet router - Internet SOD - Electric appliances

Telephone SOD

Almost all the land line telephones being used now are so called multi-functional phones and consume electricity all the time. 
In general households, the average time of the land line telephone use may be 10 minutes a day. If so, the telephones are wasting electricity for 23 hours and 50 minutes a day. 
This wasted electricity can be saved by this telephone SOD (Switch On demand) 

                           At Innovative Technologies & Products Exhibition in Nov., 2016 and Jan., 2017
At Innovative Technologies & Products Exhibition in Nov., 2016 and Jan., 2017

SOD introduced on TV

Ten TV covered movies that introduced SOD can be sent to you at your request.  ( Some are only in Japanese.) 

SOD reported in the newspapers and magazines

Nineteen Newspaper and magazine articles among much more ones that introduced SOD can be delivered to you at your request. (only in Japanese.)

Click to see the video.

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