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地球気候変動防止 Global Climate Change Prevention

自作できる 小型・高効率の太陽光発電・蓄電システム

Compact, high-efficiency solar generation and storage system by DIYers

電気の(家庭)地産地消 Local generation and consumption of electricity (at home)







 Large-scale fires, floods, extreme heat, droughts, and other disasters that occur somewhere in the world every year as a result of global climate change have been caused by human activities since the Industrial Revolution.

 It is important for individuals around the world to reflect on their past activities and take concrete actions to prevent climate change, rather than making climate change prevention the responsibility of governments and corporations.

 As one of these concrete actions, in the past I worked on the development of "zero standby power" technology, focused on saving electricity, and even won the "Energy Conservation Grand Prize". This technology has been released free of charge.

 And now, I am working on the development of a "compact, high-efficiency solar power generation and storage system" that can be installed even in the eaves of homes.

 As a non-profit group activity, rather than a profit-oriented activity, we will make our activities socially meaningful with those who agree and cooperate with the following ideas.

 Participants must not criticize the ideas and prototypes of other participants and must be able to actually realize their own ideas by themselves and share the results of their work and/or improvements with others free of charge.


What is a compact, high-efficiency solar generation and storage system like?



Check it out in the video how the system we are currently developing can generate electricity at more than twice the efficiency of conventional systems 


Below are six posts on social networking sites during the first three months of developing this system. (From the bottom, the posts are in order of oldest to newest).






なお、BGMは太陽をイメージして、ラテン音楽で、私のギター演奏曲の一つ、「ソラメンテ ウナ ベス」(を使っています。


A compact, high-efficiency solar power generation and storage system that can be made by oneself, introduced in video

Following yesterday's introduction of our website, the following video shows how the system we are currently developing can generate electricity at more than twice the efficiency of conventional systems.

We further continue to develop and improve it jointly with our collaborators as a system that anyone can build on their own DIY work, without monopoly.

We hope that this will be one of the concrete actions to prevent heat waves, wildfires, floods, droughts, and other disasters that have been occurring frequently around the world due to global climate change.

The background music is "Solamente Una Ves", one of my guitar pieces (, in Latin music with the image of the sun.


If you would like to help, please spread the word about this post.





Automatic Power Switching Device No. 2

I have been testing the second device (switch) I have made by myself on an air conditioner that is connected to the solar power generator/storage power supply system.

The main power supply is connected to this solar power generator/storage power supply system and the secondary power supply to the commercial power supply. If the power supply from the main power supply (battery) from the solar generator drops to zero, the air conditioner will automatically switch to the commercial power supply and continue operating.

This is an important and indispensable switching tool that is indispensable for 100% self-consumption of self-generated power.













Home-built Automatic Power Supply Switching Device

I have made a switch that automatically switches between commercial and private power generation sources.

The switch is designed to use the power generated and stored by solar power generation as the main power source, and automatically switch to commercial power source when the former power source becomes zero.

I just wired up the wires and plugs of the unneeded electrical products and the purchased module in a free box I had been given, though.

Tests and operational checks showed that the results were as expected.

It is fun to create something, just like in elementary school arts and crafts class.





1.大きな太陽光発電装置(3 – 5キロ)は導入せず、1キロ規模、せいぜい2キロ規模まで発電&蓄電装置にする。必要以上に大きな装置はお金と資源の無駄使いです。




Recommendations for small-scale solar power generation and storage devices

Until now, solar-generated electricity could be sold to the power company, but the price has been steadily declining. Government policy can be changed at will at any time.

Furthermore, power companies can stop purchasing solar-generated electricity at any time.

When individuals start solar power generation under these unfavorable conditions, they should not consider selling power, but should be aware of the following

1. Not to install a large solar power generation system (3 - 5 kilometers), but rather a small power generation and storage system up to 1 kilowatt or at most 2 kilowatts in size. Equipment that is larger than necessary is a waste of money and resources.

2. To use the electricity generated by small-scale solar power generation and storage devices during the day, store the extra amount, and use it up at night.

3. To use solar-generated electricity as the main power source, supplemented by commercial power as a backup sub-power source if shortages arise.


持続性のある太陽光発電による電気は直流を交流に変換する損失(5 %)、遠くへ運ぶ時の損失(3 - 5 %)を最少にすることで、地球環境保護により大きな意味を持ちます。




100% use of solar power

Sustainable photovoltaic electricity is more significant for global environmental protection by minimizing the loss of converting DC to AC (5 %) and the loss of transporting the electricity to distant places (3 - 5 %).

It is best to consume and effectively use 100% of the electricity generated and stored on site.

If the electricity from storage batteries becomes zero, commercial electricity is used as a backup, which is the exact opposite of the normal way of thinking about electricity use.


It is just as cellular phones have become mainstream around the world and line telephones are the backup communication method.








Improvement of efficiency of solar power generation

Many people are doing what they can do on a personal level to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in various areas.

In the area of electric energy, what individuals can do is to effectively save electricity and effectively generate renewable energy.

For the former, I have a “Setsuden-mushi” technology and device that I developed about 30 years ago, which won the Energy Conservation Grand Prize and was adopted by NTT.

Regarding the latter effective renewable energy generation, I have now been testing a small household solar power generation and storage system under various conditions to generate electricity more effectively since this May.

My goal is to increase the amount of electricity generated by tens of percent over existing ground-based fixed solar power generation, and to develop an inexpensive and simple equipment system that make use of the generated electricity 100 percent at home day and night without transmission losses.

待機電力消費ゼロ化  Zero standby power consumption


The goal of the project was to reduce standby power consumption to zero, saving one million kilowatts, or the equivalent of one nuclear power plant.

地球温暖化防止会議COP13 朝日新聞環境特集'97 での取材記事 My appearance on Article in Asahi Shimbun Environment Special '97 on COP13, the Conference for the Prevention of Global Warming
地球温暖化防止会議COP13 朝日新聞環境特集'97 での取材記事 My appearance on Article in Asahi Shimbun Environment Special '97 on COP13, the Conference for the Prevention of Global Warming


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