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健康のためのゆるいスポーツ「ピックルボール」と音楽 Pickleball, a gentle sport and music for health 




昨年9月に私たちを尾道に訪問し、健康長寿者として新聞やエミー賞のTV番組でも紹介された医師のLoida Medinaとその長男で大学教授のErnie Medina(写真③)は頻繁にこのスポーツを楽しんでいます。


なお、今回ご紹介するビデオのBGMとしては、私が一人で二重奏したギター曲「愛の夢 第三番」を使用しました。音楽演奏(クラシックギター)が私の健康維持方法の一つです。

It is said diet, exercise, social connections, and stress reduction are necessary to maintain and improve health.

This sport in the above written YouTube site was recently introduced on NHK's “Asa Ichi” on December 26 as the second among the most anticipated gentle trends for 2025.

It is a sport that is between tennis and ping-pong (photo ①, ②) and friendly to the elderly, and has many enthusiasts in the U.S.

Ms. Loida Medina, a doctor who visited us in Onomichi last September and was featured in newspapers and on an Emmy Award-winning TV program as a healthy long-lived person, and her oldest son, university professor Ernie Medina (photo)have been often enjoying this sport.

Prof. Ernie Medina is also Vice Chair of the USA Pickleball (the national governing body of pickleball in the United States) Board of Directors. 

Please note that the background music for the video presented here is the duet guitar piece “Dream of Love No. 3,” which I played alone. Playing music (classic guitar) is one of my ways of staying healthy.