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尾道無料英会話道場 特別例会、檀上和尚とご一緒に Special meeting of OESS with Priest Danjo





A special offline meeting of the Onomichi Free English Conversation Dojo, which has been held four times a month for more than 40 years, was held last Saturday (July 20th).

The place was Saiko-zenji Temple in Kisa-cho, Miyoshi City, Hiroshima Prefecture.

Although he was busy traveling to Taiwan, Tokyo, and Hiroshima last week and the week before that, he welcomed us calmly with love and compassion from start to finish.

In May, I asked Priest Danjo about his availability in summertime and set this meeting date of July 20th.

We visited the temple and listened to his talk in English about his relationship with Dr. Paavo, the 2022 Nobel Prize winner in Physiology or Medicine, and his Zen activities, and enjoyed a question-and-answer session in English.