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悪事千里を走る A thousand miles of bad news





私の友人は安部元首相の苗字のつづりがA,b,eで、リンカーン大統領(Abraham Lincoln)の愛称(ニックネーム)のエイブ(Abe)と一致するために、安部元首相をこれまで過大評価?していました。



Yesterday, I was having a long conversation with a friend from Indiana, USA (starting around 11 pm local time in USA).

Just then his son came into the room and told me that they were broadcasting news from Japan on TV.

He told me that many people dressed in black were entering the building.

Intuitively, I was convinced that the news was about the prosecutors conducting raids on Abe's faction and Nikai's faction offices, and after confirming it, I told them the background of the news and what had happened so far.

My friend had been overestimating former Prime Minister Abe because his last name is spelled A,b,e, which coincidently matches the nickname Abe of President Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln).

So, I was able to clear up his misunderstanding by telling him that former Prime Minister Abe was the key figure behind the current slush fund scandal.

But still, the bad news travels fast and far, doesn't it?