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9月に入っても下がらない気温(37.4度℃、広島市、昨日)にはうんざりしていますが、まだ我慢できます。 今回の”うんざり”は中国と中国人の言動に対してです。 福島の原発処理水の海洋への放出に関して非合理的かつ非科学的な主張を流布し、無知な多くの自国民(中国)を洗脳先導し、意図的に統制されたネットや電話で他国に嫌がらせの行動や発信をするのはその端的な例です。(中国からの迷惑電話数;34,000、東京都のみ、24日からの1週間) これまでも執拗に尖閣列島、東シナ海や中国の国境で行っている軍拡、覇権行動と同根で、物量にものを言わせる嫌がらせですが、長い間、周期的に繰り返しており、後を絶ちません。 中国は自国の大量の原発排水のトリチュウム濃度と多すぎる国民数が地球環境に与えている大きな悪影響に考えが及ぶなら、これまでように傍若無人な振る舞いはできないはずです。 中国、ロシア、北朝鮮のリーダーたちはお互いの相互訪問はしても、他の国々での国際会議には出席しません(できません?)。自らの命の危険性を感じるくらいなら、彼らには他の国々の人々の命、迷惑を感じてほしいものです。 I am fed up with the temperatures (37.5 ℃ in Hiroshima city yesterday) that have not dropped even in September, but I can still live with it. This time, my "disgust" is with China and the behavior of the Chinese people. Spreading of irrational and unscientific claims regarding the discharge of treated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the ocean, leading the brainwashing of many ignorant citizens of China, and having them do harassing actions, and send out harassing messages via the deliberately controlled Internet and phone calls are their prime examples of this kind to other countries. (Number of unwanted calls from China; 34,000 only in Tokyo only for one week from 24th) This is the same root as the military expansion and hegemonic actions they have been relentlessly carrying out for such a long time around the Senkaku Islands, in the East China Sea and along China’s borders, and it is a form of their harassment based on sheer quantity. China should not behave as intransigently as it has been up to now if it can consider the great impact that the tritium concentration of the wastewater from their large number of nuclear power plants and their too many people in its country have been giving bad effects on the global environment. Chinese, Russian, and North Korean leaders visit each other, but do not (cannot?) attend international meetings held in other countries. I would rather they feel the lives and inconvenience of people in other countries than feel the danger of their own lives. |