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趣味のギター on 休日 (16)、いのちの歌(4分30秒):
2008年10月 - 2009年3月に放送されたNHK連続テレビ小説『だんだん』の劇中歌で、双子の姉妹の茉奈 佳奈(まなかな)が歌っていました。
Guitar playing as a hobby on holidays (16), Song of Life (4 min. 30 sec.):
This song was sung by twin sisters Mana and Kana in the morning drama series on NHK TV, "Dadan", that aired from October 2008 - March 2009.
The lyrics were written by Mariya Takeuchi and composed by Takatsugu Muramatsu.
The music introduced this time was performed with piano accompaniment by Koichiro Tani in the background.
At first, my friend translated Manakana's song into English, and I played the music on my guitar in accordance with their song, making a video of it, but I could not release it due to copyright reasons.
Then I have uploaded it to the following website, so please watch it if you like.