1. 高校生の時に初めて触れた金属弦のアコースティックギター(すでに無くなっています。)
2. 20代で初めて買った手工クラシックギター(今も大切に弾いています。)
3. 数年前にフィリピンの友人がプレゼントしてくれたクラシックギター(いつでも使用可能です。)
My history with guitars is as follows.
1. The metal-string acoustic guitar when I was in high school (already gone)
2. The handcrafted classical guitar I bought in my 20s (I still play it with great care)
3. The classical guitar given to me as a gift by a friend in the Philippines some years ago (always ready to be used).
In addition to these two existing guitars, the first guitar I have purchased in over 50 years is a classical guitar with an electric device, which can be connected directly to an amplifier for
bigger volume.
Normally, classical guitars can’t produce big sounds and I have had a hard time balancing the volume when playing with other instruments, but this problem will be solved from now on.
Naturally, the best sound for musical instruments is natural sound (live sound) and the sound quality will change when electrical volume enhancement is processed.
The sound quality of the three guitars is different, and the neck sizes and the height of strings differ slightly by a few millimeters, so a certain amount of care must be taken when playing.