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ハゲタカファンド  Vulture funds

Vulture funds of "only now, only me, only money.
This is what a university professor said on TV.
"There are investors overseas who don't care about the long-term growth of the companies they invest in (just for now), and only want to make money for their own company (just for me), and are based on profit only (just for money)."
"Because Japanese profits have been skimmed off by these investors, Japanese worker wages have not risen in the past 30 years."
As a result, Japan's international relative labor wages have fallen significantly, creating a major obstacle to recruiting foreign talent.
Sad to say, but this was allowed to happen by the long-ruling duo of Prime Minister Abe and Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga, who only raised stock prices under the name of Abenomics.
Furthermore, Abe has wasted a lot of money, as symbolized by the Abeno-mask and his many unsuccessful foreign trips scattering huge amount of money, and has also worsened the nation's finances, creating a major cause of the current mess.
Strangely enough, Abe was reinvigorated soon after he was thrown out of office and still retains political power. (Just like Trump in America)