NHKニュース(2021年10月26日 17時35分)によれば、この冬の電力需給の見通しは、全国7つのエリアでピーク時の需要に対する電力供給の余力を示す数値(予備率)が3%台しかなく、過去10年間で最も厳しくなる見通しです。
According to NHK News (Oct. 26, 2021, 5:35 p.m.), the forecast for electricity supply and demand this winter is expected to be the most severe in the past 10 years, with the reserve ratio, a
figure that indicates the surplus of electricity supply over peak demand, only in the 3% range in seven areas across Japan.
For this reason, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) is calling on households and businesses to save energy to the extent they can.
(Reserve ratio = surplus capacity of supply over demand for electricity during peak hours)
In addition, an early increase in electricity rates is certain.
It is essential to maintain this awareness and to implement energy conservation, even if it is small.
I myself, specifically, have been trying to maintain my awareness by posting twice a week on the Internet in both Japanese and English the contents of the books of my own writing and the articles
about me on energy conservation and I have already taken a concrete action to implement energy conservation through a simple room partition for this winter.