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新書紹介、同時通訳者が「訳せなかった」英語フレーズ A newly released book; English phrases simultaneous interpreters could not translate

知り合いの英語通訳案内士で英検1級(&同等)資格者ネットワーク in 日本(英検%EF%BC%91級者ネット/)のメンバーの一人が業界有志40名と上記タイトルの共著本を出版します。

A tour guide of English I know, who is a member of STEP 1st Graders’ Network in Japan, is to publish a joint book together with other 39 coauthors.
You could understand what in mind the interpreters have been working with daily or what troubles they have had.
Title of book: English phrases simultaneous interpreters could not translate
Scheduled retail availability date: June 30, 2020, Icarus Publishing company
Sale information: Best pre-ordered book as a translation book at Amazon Japan.