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2020年、ギター弾き始め First guitar playing in the year of 2020 

ということで、昨日1月1日は初詣の後、「アルハンブラの思い出」と「愛の夢 第3番」で今年の弾き始めを一時間ほど楽しみました。
Being busier at the end of the year, I didn’t touch my guitars at all for as long as 6 days since Dec. 26th.
Then after our New Year’s visit to a shrine yesterday on January 1st I enjoyed playing Recuerdos de la Alhambra and Liebesträume for the first time this year for about an hour.
The attached picture except the music notes shows the top 12 hit items on my own YouTube site.
I hope I can add some of my own guitar playing on the site this year.