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英語圏で日常会話に必要な単語数 Necessary number of English words for daily conversation in English speaking countries in English speaking countries

It is 100 words that cover 70% of their conversation and 2000 words 90% according to the English language lecturer on NHK.
But Japanese junior high school students are expected to memorize 1200 in 3 years (500 for 7th graders, 400 for 8th graders and 300 for 9th graders)
This unrealistic situation with too many words to memorize may make the students dislike the English subject. It may be over-study for them. 
It may be better to make the practical and better use of these 100 words in junior high school in Japan as a foreign language.
The school teachers’ competent ability is put to the test.
Meanwhile, for the written English, the number is a little bigger.