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9:00 ~ 17:00 (Monday ~ Friday)

健康第一  There is nothing more valuable than good health.

食事ですが、著書「チャイナ スタディ」を紹介してくれて、何度が訪れた私の友人は外科医をリタイアして現在82歳で大変元気ですが、野菜中心でバランスのとれた食事が大変大切だと言っています。酒とタバコは厳禁です。(私は少しアルコールを飲みますが。)
Maintenance of good health:
Everybody knows that good health is based on everyday meals and physical exercise and what is important is its content and practice. 
Regarding the meals, a friend of mine, who is now an 82 year-old retired surgeon in good health and introduced me a book of China Study, always says that the balanced meals centering on vegetables are very important. Alcohol beverages and tobacco are strictly forbidden, but I drink a little.
I usually do a stretching from 7 at home, radio gymnastics from 9:40 in the office and take a walk for 30 – 60 minutes though I neglect them sometimes.
 While walking, I listen to VOA news in English or guitar music by my favorite guitarists.