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35年前のシカゴトリビューン紙記事                                  35 year-old newspaper article on Chicago Tribune

記憶 残る広島(記憶に残る広島 ではありません。)
2ページ目、赤く囲んだ部分が当時の平和記念館の館長だった高橋昭博氏がアメリカ人記者、Mr. Charles Osgoodの取材に答えた内容の一部です。
Hiroshima remembered:
Visit to Hiroshima by the incumbent U.S. President Barack Obama has been a big news.
The attached article appeared in the Chicago Tribune, one of the major newspapers in USA, on August 6, 1982. 
The part in the red square on the second page is a part of what late Mr. Takahashi, then Piece Museum director, told to Mr. Charles Osgood, the American newspaper reporter.
At that time I worked for the both as an interpreter. 
The newspaper was sent to me by the newspaper reporter after it was published.