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柏田氏、ウガンダの父: 先日の新聞で紹介されていた人です。
今回の新聞には紹介されていないことを以下、2つ紹介します。 柏田さんの会社で製造しているシャツのブランド名はヤマト(大和)で当時はウガンダのベストブランドでした。 アミン元大統領とは運転資金のドル調達で関係もあった。
Mr.Kashiwada, Father of Uganda:
He is a Japanese and has been called Father of Uganda.
I saw him on the newspaper this time. I met him for the first time when I I joined the study tour to Africa co-hosted by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Foreign Ministry several few years ago and could talk with him there because he has been running a textile company in Uganda for 50 years and I was working in the textile industry too when young.
The following are two pieces of information that have not written on the newspaper. The brand name of the shirts they manufacture is YAMATO, which literally means Japan, a top brand in Uganda. He had some relationship with Former President Amin in raising money in dollars.