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尾道ESS救世主 Savor for Onomichi ESS

本日の尾道ESS(無料英会話道場)は予定していたスカイプゲストMr. Peter Moreが急用のため、サンフランシスコのユニオンスクエアを見渡せるホテルの一室から短時間のやりとりになりました。
しかし、この後すぐに常連のスカイプゲスト、Mr. Res Sarnoの登場となり、12時までの約一時間を参加者全員の海外旅行の経験、思い出を紹介したり、質問したりすることで有意義に過ごしました。
Today’s originally scheduled meeting finished much shortly than expected because Mr. Peter More, a Skype guest, had an urgent business in San Francisco though he kindly showed up on Skype from a hotel room where the Union Square can be seen. 
But soon after that, Mr. Res Sarno, our regular Skype guest, appeared and we all enjoyed talking with him until 12:00 noon, exchanged the traveling experiences with Q & As by all attending members. 
This meeting today was covered by a magazine reporter and she also joined us in our conversation. In that respect, it was luck and we all thanked for his unexpected appearance on Skype.