TEL: +81-80-1928-8778
Sales pitches and/or use without reply information strictly prohibited.)
9:00 ~ 17:00 (Monday ~ Friday)
ゲストとしてケニア出身のMr. Samuel Muchiri を再び迎えた今月8月の2回目例会は昨日終了しました。「躍動のアフリカと手を携えて」と題して例会でしたが、ゲストからケニアをきれいな写真で紹介いただき、その後、物質的に豊かになった日本で忘れられた価値観、例えば「辛抱、感謝、協力」などについて話し合いました。
With Mr. Samuel Muchiri from Kenya for the 2nd time, it was finished successfully yesterday. The meeting theme was “Hand in Hand with a More Dynamic Africa”. He introduced his country, Kenya,
using beautiful pictures and we all talked about what we have lost in the materially affluent society in Japan, such as patience, thankfulness and cooperation.
Lastly the one of the members introduced the promotion video on a large scale paper product manufacturing machine in English.
For further information, visit the following page.