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一方、通信機器用に自動的に節電する装置、節電虫を開発したのはそれよりずっと後の1994年で、以下の動画や写真の通りです。、動画、4分、日本語)節電虫-技術-商品-待機電力ゼロ化-安全化/ (ホームページ、日本語)
The picture shows the simplest way of electricity saving. It is an individual switch installed to some ceiling lights that can be put on all at once by the wall switch. We have had 5 in our
office since about 30 years ago (1983) and they put on and off the ceiling lights separately depending on the places to be used and the brightness outside of the room.
On the other hand I developed the automatic electricity saving device named SOD of my own invention in 1994, far later than the installment of these simple switches. SODs are uploaded at the
following sites.、movie、4 minutes、in Japanese)、in English)