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9:00 ~ 17:00 (Monday ~ Friday)

尾道ESS、6月第二回例会終了 The second regular meeting of Onomichi ESS in June finished

昨日6/27午前の例会は新メンバーを迎え、スカイプゲストのDinesh Jain氏(インド・ナグプール出身、アメリカ・イリノイ州・ネイパービル在住)と一緒に無事終了しました。日本に数年住んでいた同氏から日本と日本人の印象をうかがい、良い点を多数指摘いただきましたが日本人としての反省点ももちろんありました。指摘いただいたすべての点がこれからの例会での討論対象テーマになるでしょう。
Welcoming a new member, yesterday’s meeting on June 27th was finished successfully with Mr. Dinesh Jain as a Skype guest (now living in Naperville, Illinois, originally from Nagpur, India). As he was living in Japan for several years, he kindly picked out some good points of ours as well as a few for us Japanese to reflect. All the picked out points can be good topics to talk about from now on.