For inquiries or information

TEL: +81-80-1928-8778


Sales pitches and/or use without reply information strictly prohibited.)

Business hours

9:00 ~ 17:00 (Monday ~ Friday)

Company & Technology Tour guide in Hiroshima, Okayama, Matsue, Imabari and Onomichi in the western part of Japan                        広島、岡山、松江、今治、尾道など西日本の企業・技術ツアーガイド


 A former JETRO advisor will attend, interpret, and guide you.

As a tour guide and a former JETRO advisor for your visit to companies on business and/or technology inspection as well as sightseeing tour, we are very happy to accompany you with the following assisting services on your pleasant and meaningful independent trips in Chugoku and Shikoku districts in Japan at the reasonable price.

① Language interpreter (Eglish - Japanese)

② Transportation arrangement (only in Japan)

③ Sightseeing arrangement (in Chugoku and Shikoku areas)

④ Company and/or hotel booking (only in Chugoku and Shikoku areas in Japan)                                                                               Karl T. Kamamoto

⑤ Others                                                                                       Former JETRO Advisor

The available places in Chugoku and Shikoku are Okayama, Hiroshima, Imabari, Matsue and Onomichi, which are located in the east, west, south and north respectively and connected with Onomichi city by highways and/or trains as showed below.


For further information about the above written services and your inquiry, please visit the page here.


For our business collaboration with non-Japanese travel agencies, please feel free to make a contact to us using the e-mail form below.

The profile of Karl T. Kamamoto is here.

Hiroshima, Okayama, Imabari, Matsue and Onomichiavailable sightseeing places in Chugoku and Shikoku on a day (or two) trip

For further information about those cities in English on each website is here.

Traveling areas: Onomichi, Hishoshima, Okayama, Matsue and Imabari on a day trip 

                       (Pictures, videos included in the page)

Traveling routes: to Hishoshima, Okayama, Matsue and Imabari

                       (Maps included in the page)

One-day travel plans: to Hishoshima, Okayama, Matsue and Imabari 

                       (Itineraries included in the page)

Paid accompanying tour guide service for the guests, \30,000/a day, a group (up to 4 tourists)

(Accompanying tour guide service within the inner part of Onomichi city is free.)


Note) The Traffic expenses to the guide should be paid by the guests. 

Record of visits to Japanese companies by foreign firms

アフリカ諸国駐日大使の下水浄化技術視察  Ambassadors of African countries to Japan visit sewage purification technology
アフリカ諸国駐日大使の下水浄化技術視察 Ambassadors of African countries to Japan visit sewage purification technology
スーダン駐日大使の太陽熱温水技術視察 Ambassador of Sudan to Japan visit solar water heating technology
スーダン駐日大使の太陽熱温水技術視察 Ambassador of Sudan to Japan visit solar water heating technology
私、釜本の駐日ケニア大使表敬訪問 Courtesy visit to the Kenyan Ambassador by me, Kamamoto
私、釜本の駐日ケニア大使表敬訪問 Courtesy visit to the Kenyan Ambassador by me, Kamamoto
自動車会社視察(台湾) Visit to an automobile company (Taiwan)
自動車会社視察(台湾) Visit to an automobile company (Taiwan)
駐日アフリカ大使 果樹栽培技術を視察 African Ambassadors to Japan inspect agricultural technology
駐日アフリカ大使 果樹栽培技術を視察 African Ambassadors to Japan inspect agricultural technology
中国会社の電子技術視察(上海) Inspection tour of electronics technology by a Chinese company (Shanghai)
中国会社の電子技術視察(上海) Inspection tour of electronics technology by a Chinese company (Shanghai)
アフリカ大使に浄水技術視察(岡山)African Ambassadors to Japan inspected water purification technology (Okayama)
アフリカ大使に浄水技術視察(岡山)African Ambassadors to Japan inspected water purification technology (Okayama)
グリーン エネルギー フォーラム出席(インド)Attended Green Energy Forum (India)
グリーン エネルギー フォーラム出席(インド)Attended Green Energy Forum (India)
駐日アフリカ諸国大使の果樹栽培技術視察 African Ambassadors to Japan inspect fruit tree cultivation technology 
駐日アフリカ諸国大使の果樹栽培技術視察 African Ambassadors to Japan inspect fruit tree cultivation technology 
電機会社訪問(中国) Visit to an electric company (China)
電機会社訪問(中国) Visit to an electric company (China)
発酵技術の視察 Inspection tour of fermentation technology
発酵技術の視察 Inspection tour of fermentation technology
大学視察と講演(尾道) University visit and lecture giving (Onomichi)
大学視察と講演(尾道) University visit and lecture giving (Onomichi)
イチゴ栽培技術視察(岡山)  Strawberry Cultivation Technology Inspection Tour (Okayama) 
イチゴ栽培技術視察(岡山)  Strawberry Cultivation Technology Inspection Tour (Okayama) 
浄水用大型タンク製造技術視察  Inspection tour of manufacturing technology for large tanks for water purification
浄水用大型タンク製造技術視察  Inspection tour of manufacturing technology for large tanks for water purification
鮮度保持技術視察(スイス)Freshness keeping tech. Inspection (Switzerland)
鮮度保持技術視察(スイス)Freshness keeping tech. Inspection (Switzerland)


I have also served as an interpreter and guide for many other technical tours as well working as a technology development engineer of the following items.


Power-saving device “Setsuden-mushi”


Sustainable “compact and highly efficient” power generation and storage system

Records with sightseeing travelers

先週、私たちを訪問してくれたアメリカからの友人二人、医師のL. Medinaと息子で大学教授のE. Medinaとは3日間、尾道、広島、宮島と旅行中を含めて多くの時間を一緒に楽しく過ごしました。
1. Solamente Una Vez (ソラ・メンテ・ウナベス)
2. Moonlight (月光)
3. Bridde over troubled water (明日に架ける橋)
4. La Ragazza De Bube (ブーベの恋人)
5. Mozart Serenade (モーツアルトのセレナーデ)
6. Forbidden Play (禁じられた遊び)
7. Malaguena (マラゲーニャ)
8. Recuerdos de la Alhambra (アルハンブラの思い出) (only latter half at the live concert)
A private live music concert for them:
We spent three days with two friends from the U.S. who visited us last week, Ms. L. Medina, a medical doctor, and Mr. E. Medina, his son and a university professor, and shared a lot of pleasant time together, including during their trip to Onomichi, Hiroshima, and Miyajima.
To make their visit to Japan and sightseeing around this area more memorable and meaningful, I took them to places that sightseers usually do not visit, introduced them to traditional Japanese spiritual culture and healthy living, and on the first day, after dinner at our home, we had a short live music concert for them with my guitar performance.
The program at that time was as follows, and I played 8 music pieces of some kinds. Some of these have been uploaded to You Tube and I have provided links to them.
I have played over 200 music pieces solo and in groups, so if I have a month or so to spare, I can continue to offer private, home-made music concerts upon their request to those I will have the pleasure of connecting with.

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